Hind End Strenghtening

Scrap Iron Phil & Linda McBurney



Mechanically speaking, your racehorse is equipped with a complex hind end which, if properly developed, supports and propels his body with the maximum efficiency.


As an alternative to galloping in a straight line with weight on their backs, we work our equine athletes in a round pen at various speeds for various intervals. This developed the supporting muscles and ligaments of the stifles, hocks and hip joints as well as strengthening the entire top line and all back muscles. 


The result is the horse carries himself more efficiently which keeps the front end lighter and coincidently more sound. In a race, the stride is lengthened so maximum efficiency can be achieved.


Many of our equine athletes will run a lifetime best after being in our program. 


We see many racehorses with weak or underdeveloped stifles. This weakness typically manifests itself breaking from the starting gate, during lead changes or when asked for more acceleration while racing. 


A weak back is also quite debilitating to your equine athlete. Without it, balance is compromised resulting in secondary lameness issues that can arise. 


When properly worked and conditioned, a horse will be balanced and supple. We return our athletes ready to be breezed up to a race in less time because the athlete is well rounded. 


Another benefit from a strong hind end is a better performance out of the starting gate. Horses that have weak or underdeveloped hind ends break from the gate awarkwardly or not at all, having a disasterous impact on their racing efforts. We notice a big difference, out of the gate, after our program. Horses are infinitely more capable to break, which changes their apprehension to complete confidence. 


Before your equine athlete shows signs of inadequacy or deterioration, get his hind end right. 



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